Quote - Dead Calm by Jon Schafer

Fantastically Funny Quote - Dead Calm: Book Two of The Dead Series by Jon Schafer

Every once in a while I'm priviledged enough to read something that gets me roaring laughing. This quote is just awesome. Thanks to Jon Schafer for this little bit of comedic gold.
"You don't want to try tapping Sheila for a couple reasons Pork Chop. One is that Mary's on the trail of that and would cut your throat in your sleep, and two, is that you might come away with something incurable like gono-herpa-syphil-aids."
While I may not have posted a review of Schafer's books,  they did make The Bookie Monsters 5 star list (all three of them!) and thought I would drop a post to encourage readers to take advantage of a great series.

Like the quote? Let me know!